Merci! Nous allons vous contacter rapidement

Merci! Nous allons vous contacter rapidement

Tous vos services à un seul endroit

Service à la clientèle en semaine de 9am à 7pm

Aucun contrat et installation gratuite *

Le meilleur service au meilleur prix *


What a fantastic experience! Unlike what I often see with other telecommunications companies, I didn’t have to wait for hours to get help. I was able to speak with representatives from QUEBEC, which made everything much easier. Their service is really patient and the explanations are clear. Plus, the installation was done just three days after my order. So, I’m giving a HUGE 5 STARS!
Benjamin Fonseca

Subscribed to service

I have nothing negative to say about my experience—in fact, it was fantastic! The representative really understood my needs and helped me find the best plans that suited me. Everything was straightforward and efficient!
Didier Correia

Subscribed to service

Wow! Simple and efficient… actually, it's perfect!!! Congratulations to you! Finally, a Quebec company where you talk to people who understand you and know our reality! Just a HUGE thank you!!!
Pascal Charette

Subscribed to service